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INFANT PROGRAM (Sea Turtles) 4 months to 2.5 years. 





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  • 1 Teacher / 8 Parents - Child

  • Parent / Child classes

  • 2 Tier program: 4 months to 18 months, 19 months to 2.5 years

  • Swim caps are compulsory

  • Water familiarisation through songs and repetition of skills

  • Education for Parents

  • Socialisation

  • Parents to wear a T-shirt or rash vest in the water

  • Lessons run every Monday to Saturday at various times

  • Lesson duration: 30 minutes

Each program has been specifically designed to take into consideration your child's age and swimming ability. We want swimming to be fun, so we ensure that they are swimming at an appropriate level. 

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TODDLER PROGRAM: Clown Fish​.1 Teacher / 4 Children





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  • Swim caps are compulsory 

  • Goggles are optional, however recommended

  • Developing skills through repetition and songs

  • Water safety skills - falling in on front and back, recover and paddle / kick back to wall or step

  • Toddlers developing water confidence, safety awareness and basic propulsion skills such as kicking, paddling, floating and submersion

  • Relaxing the toddler to be able to float comfortably on back

  • Lessons run every morning Monday to Saturday at various times

  • Lesson duration: 30 minutes


Star Fish 3 - 5 years





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  • 1 teacher / 4 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory

  • Goggles are optional, however recommended

  • Teaching basic swimming skills independently

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits 

  • Emphasis on blowing bubbles with face in water and demonstrate basic breath control (bubbles from mouth only, nose only mouth and nose)

  • Introduction to sculling (swishing, swirling the water)

  • Submerging and pushing off the bottom of pool

  • Floating and ability to rotate (front to back)

  • Push and Glide, Torpedo

  • Lessons run every morning Monday to Saturday at various times

  • Lesson duration: 30 minutes

  • 1 teacher / 4 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory

  • Goggles are optional, however recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits 

  • Emphasis on blowing bubbles with face in water and demonstrate basic breath control (bubbles from mouth only, nose only mouth and nose)

  • Introduction to sculling (patting the water)

  • Extending the distance of Push and Glide, Torpedo, Dog Paddle with breath

  • Introduction of Freestyle armstrokes

  • Demonstrate Butterfly kick 

  • Lessons run every morning Monday to Saturday at various times

  • Lesson duration:  30 minutes

3 - 5 years





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PRE - SCHOOL PROGRAM ​Penguin 3 - 5 years





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  • 1 teacher / 4 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory

  • Goggles are optional, however recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits 

  • Emphasis on blowing bubbles and bobbing  (bubbles from mouth only, nose only mouth and nose)

  • Introduction to sculling

  • Extending the distance of Push and Glide, Torpedo, Dog Paddle with breath

  • Freestyle armstrokes

  • Introduction to Backstroke armstrokes

  • Demonstrate Butterfly kick

  • Lessons run every morning Monday to Saturday at various times

  • Lesson duration:  30 minutes

  • 1 teacher / 4 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory

  • Goggles are recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits

  • Emphasis on blowing bubbles and bobbing  (bubbles from mouth only, nose only mouth and nose)

  • Introduction to sculling/treading water

  • Extending the distance of Push and Glide, Torpedo, Dog Paddle with breath

  • Freestyle armstrokes introducing side breathing

  • Introduction to Backstroke armstrokes

  • Demonstrate Butterfly kick

  • Lessons run Monday to Friday afternoon and Saturday morning

  • Lesson duration:  30 minutes

Sting-Ray 6 years +





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  • 1 teacher / 4 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory

  • Goggles are recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits

  • Demonstrate breath control (bubbling from nose, mouth, nose and mouth), whilst swimming

  • Water Safety Skills – treading water

  • Somersaults

  • Freestyle armstrokes with breathing (every 2nd strokes, left and right hand side)

  • Backstroke with strong body position and alternate arm action

  • Breaststroke kick on back

  • Butterfly kick

  • Lessons run Monday to Friday afternoon and Saturday morning

  • Lesson duration: 30 minutes

  • 1 teacher / 6 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory and introducing silicone caps

  • Goggles are recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits

  • Demonstrate breath control (bubbling from nose, mouth, nose and mouth), whilst swimming)

  • Introduction to Flip Turns (front)

  • Freestyle armstrokes with breathing (every 4th stroke, left and right hand side)

  • Backstroke armstrokes with correct body position and alternate arm action

  • Breaststroke kick on front (Glide, breathe, kick, glide)

  • Introduction to Breaststroke armstrokes 

  • Introduction to Butterfly armstrokes

  • Lessons run Monday to Friday afternoon

  • Lesson duration:  30 minutes






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  • 1 teacher / 6 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory and introducing silicone caps

  • Goggles are recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits

  • Breath control whilst swimming (bubbling from nose, mouth, nose and mouth)

  • Advanced Sculling skills (head first, feet first) understanding hand position

  • Extending the distance in Freestyle and Backstroke whilst maintaining technique and stroke efficiency

  • Flip turns for Freestyle and Backstroke

  • Breaststroke full stroke with correct timing

  • 5 Butterfly strokes with correct timing

  • Lessons run Monday to Friday afternoon

  • Lesson duration: 45 minutes

  • 1 teacher / 6 children

  • Swim caps are compulsory and introducing silicone caps

  • Goggles are recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Entries and exits

  • Breath control whilst swimming (bubbling from nose, mouth, nose and mouth)

  • Advanced Sculling skills (head first, feet first) understanding hand position

  • Flip turns for Freestyle and Backstroke and an introduction to touch turns

  • Extending distance whilst maintaining technique and stroke efficiency

  • Breaststroke full stroke with correct timing

  • Butterfly full stroke with correct timing

  • Lessons run Monday to Friday afternoon

  • Lesson duration: 45 minutes






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  • Up to 15 students

  • Swim caps are compulsory and introducing silicone caps

  • Goggles are recommended

  • Ability to answer questions on water safety

  • Stroke technique and efficiency refined to enable students to move into squad

  • All 4 competitive strokes refined with push offs, breakout, turns and finishes developed

  • Individual Medley developed with correct push offs, breakout, turns and finishes

  • Learning to understand and read the pace clock

  • Learning to read and understand a written program and swimming terminology 

  • Extending distance whilst maintaining technique and stroke efficiency

  • Developing sculling and utliising the sculling action to develop feel of the water

  • Preparing students for Pre Squad/Mini Squad

  • Lessons run Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon 5.30 – 6.30pm

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